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#90 Subject:


 From: "Andrea Büchler, Rechtswissenschaftliches Institut"
: Sunday, October 21, 2007 11:32 AM

Dear Helen Livnat

 On the Webpage of the Gura Humorului Jewish Community I discovered, that  many Jews with the name "Büchler" lived in this town. My name is Andrea  Büchler and I live in Switzerland. My parents both were born in  Switzerland and are not Jewish. I do not know any relatives with a Jewish background. Now I wonder if I have Jewish roots, were my ancesters come  from and if I am somehow connected to the "Büchler" in Gora Humorului. Can  you help me?

 Thank you very much, sincerely yours

Prof. Dr. Andrea Büchler

Chair of Private Law, University of Zurich, Law Institute, Rämistrasse 74/6; CH- 8001 Zürich, Tel +41 44 634 48 46,


#89 Subject:

Stiftel family of Vama, Bucovina

From: Bruce STIFTEL []
Sent: Saturday, June 23, 2007 4:51 AM

I'm interested to see that you show a Stiftel surname on your list of  Gura Humorului area families. But you don't have any further details. 

My grandfather, Shmuel Stiftel (b.1866; father's name Meir Yosef) migrated to Bucovina in the 1880s from Galicia and settled in Vama where he married the former Fulia Lang (b. 1866; father: Yerochem Peshel) of Cimpolung.  They had seven children, all of whom were born in Vama: Yitzchak, Max, Morris (b.5654), Reuven (Rudolf), Mollie, Meir Yosef (Joseph, b. 1902), and Blanche (b. 1907 or 1908).  The family left Wama for Wien in 1910. All except Yitchak, Reuven and Mollie later migrated to the U.S.  Max settling in Wilmington Delaware, where he died; Morris in Brooklyn New York (d. 9 Ab 5716) (He is buried in Farmingdale, NY). Shmuel died in Brooklyn in 1944, and Fulia died in Brooklyn in 1950; Shmuel is buried in Flushing NY; Fulia in Farmingdale, NY. Joseph died in Valley Stream NY in 1985 and is buried in Farmingdale NY. Blanche died in Riverdale NY in 2004 and is buried in Farmingdale NY. Yitchak returned to Roumania and died in Bucharest during WWII.  Reuven died in Wien in 1926 and is buried in the Central Cemetary, Wien.  Mollie died in Wien in the teens.

 I would be pleased to learn of any other information pertaining to the Stiftels of Vama or the Langs of Cimpolung.  Thank you for maintaining your web site.  Baruch Stiftel

.Bruce Stiftel

474 Groveland Hills  Drive

Tallahassee FL 32317 USA


#88 Subject: Mishpoucha from Gora Humora From: "Albert Brookenthal" <>
Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2007 09:47:07 -0500
>Dear Mr. Schacher: I am very sorry that I cannot come to the Gora Humora reunion. I recently received information that there were possibly some cousins living in Gora Humora, Roumania and in 1941 sent to Kamenets Podolsk, Ukraine where they perished in 1941. Two questions: (1) where is Gora Humora & Kamenets Podolsk located, close to what city so I could find on map?? (2) Can you find information on any of following persons: Mosche, Rosa, Leon Brukental. Thank you for any information.
>Albert Brukental/Brookenthal
>Toledo, Ohio - USA
#87 Subject: תוספת שמות

 From: Fiana Apter Rozen []
: Tuesday, January 30, 2007 9:36 PM

השמות הנוספים - אפטר יוסף  בן  בכור ל מנחם שנולד ב-1919 ב-3 לנובמבר ראש חדש ונפטר ברש חדש ניסן ב29 למרץ 1979 בישראל. חסרה גם אחותו דבורה מ1921 החיה כיום בבית אבות בחיפה.

פיאנה אפטר-רוזן בתו של יוסף ז"לץ


#86 Subject: תמונות

From: Michal Apter []
Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2007 8:32 PM

 ערב טוב אלי

ישבתי מרותקת למסך המחשב שלי, והתבוננתי בתמונות האנשים מגורה-הומורה כל הכבוד לרעיון, למוסרי התמונות, ולביצוע. אני מניחה שלכל תמונה יש גם סיפור - ארוך בודאי, מהכותרת של כל תמונה. אולי יש מקום להכניס גם את "סיפורי התמונות". למשל בתמונה של הילדים בבית הספר היהודי משנת 1920-30, מי יודע לפענח את שמות המורים? את שמות הילדים? לכתוב משהו על המוסד הזה?

כן ירבו מוסרי התמונות ! 

בתודה רבה, מיכל



#85 Subject: ברכות

From: Yitzhak Rosner []
Sent: Monday, December 25, 2006 11:56 PM

שלום מר שחר,

אני מלא הערכה על העבודה שעשית ועושה.
ברצוני להביא לידיעתך שגם משפחתי קשורה לגורה הומור.
הורי גרו במולדוביצה (הכלולה ברשימתך) בשנת 1940 כל היהודים גורשו מהכפרים והורי עברו לגור בגורה הומור.
גרנו ברחוב הראשי, קרוב ומול הכנסייה. באוקטובר 1941 גורשנו לטרנסניטריה והיינו שם בשרגורוד כי הצטרפנו
לקרובי משפחה מקימפולונג.
הייתי בגורה הומור ב-1956 וביקרתי את קרובי המשפחה שלי אברום זאנד ואישתו אדלה.
לפיכך דומני שיש לרשום את משפחתי ברשימה שלך. אני מצרף את שמות הורי ואחותי בלועזית.
במידה  ואוכל לעזור לך בצורה כל שהי נא פנה אלי ואשמח לעזור ככל שאוכל.

יצחק רוזנר

#84 Subject: Promoting Your Website

From: Gura Humorului Portal []
Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2006 12:46 AM

 Dear Mr. Schachar Eli,

Again, after a long time I'm writing to you, this time to promote your website. I was recently watching Schindler's List Movie (I have seen this movie 7 th time) and I thought about you. Very educative movie for those who want to understand the past and hope that the mankind will not repeat those mistakes.

 I'm writing to you this time to ask you if you want to create a banner (IAB Standard),
( -- see here the format we can support in our site) and we will put it in our website with no charge at all.

 Additionally I would like to ask you if you have materials (in English) about Jewish History in Gura Humorului so we can translate them and publish in our website under your name. We thought of a title "Know your town history" or something like that. An article /month from you I think will keep the people interested instead of give them all in one shot.

If you are interested in this please respond to my email and I will make all the possibility to insert a blog in my website or to create a section in Gura Humorului about Jewish Community around the world who has roots in our town.

Patrick Danilevici


Sent: Friday, November 24, 2006 1:39 AM

Dear Mr Schachar

 I found on your web site cemetary listing the name Chaim Hochstatt. My  grandfather Josef Hochstadt (sometimes Hochstaedt) was from Czernowitz, he was born in 1890. His father was Lieb Hochstadt, an accountant, and his mother was  Rachel  Turtel (Turtle?).Therewere two sisters Janet and Rosa, one perished during the holocaust, the other survived.  She was living in the Ukraine the the 1960's, I know nothing else about her. I know nothing about my grandfathers grand-parents other than that one of them had a farm near Czernowitz. Does any one of your members know anything about theHochstadt family or have they ever heard of Turtel's. My grandmother's family, Brenners and Peretzs  from Itcani had quite a few survivors, but I know noext to nothing about my grandfather's life.  He never talked about his past.  Now it i getting to the point where there is no one left to ask questions of

Thank you

David Blocker 

#82 Subject: בית הקברות גורה הומורה

From: Klang []
Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2006 7:53 PM

ערב טוב

 אני מקווה שזו איננה שאלה חוצפנית אבל האם יש תמונות של מצבות מבית הקברות?  באתרים אחרים של בתי קברות מבוקובינה (למשל מבית הקברות של רדאוץ) יש תמונות של המצבות. 


שמוליק קלנג

#81 Subject: ZEIGER from Gura Humorlui

From: Jonathan Levine
Sent: Monday, November 13, 2006 7:55 PM


Thanks again for posting my HEIER & ZEIGER family info on your website.  I just recently learned that Moses Zeiger, the jeweler listed in community records, was the brother of my grandfather, Isidor Zeiger.  Moses was the son of Michael ZEIGER & Yetta HEIER.  I don’t know when he was born or when he died (though I suspect he was likely buried there – he did not immigrate to the USA as his brothers and sisters did).

When you get a moment, please include him in your list of residents. 


--Jonathan Levine

New York, NY

#80 Subject:אתר גורה הומורה

 From: shlomit weisbord []
Sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2006 10:40 PM

אלי שלום,

מידי פעם אני גולשת באתר גורה הומורה ואני מרגישה שיש צורך לחזק ולהוקיר את מאמציך. האתר מדהים מעודכן ומושקע לדעתי צריך לשווקו ולפרסמו -אולי נדבר כשניפגש. מצאתי הרבה תמונות מגורה הומורה של הורי ומשפחתי סרקתי ואשמח להעביר אליך כמו כן ברשימות האזרחים/ תושבים / ילידי  גורה הומורה  שם אבי ואחיו התאום חסריםאני מצרפת 2 תמונות של אחותו של אבי -פאני קרפל /הנר (אחרי נישואיהואת תמונת אבי בשנת 1930 יש לי כ-30 תמונות -האם מענין אותך לראות ? האם לשלוח בדואר רשום על CDאשמח לראות במו עיני מי עומד מאחורי האתר הזה ! האם תגיע לבית התפוצות במרץבית אבי נמצא ברחוב של בית התפוצות -רחוב קוממיות באפקה ...צחוק הגורל .

כל הכבוד יישר כח


#79 Subject: relatives of Marie Leiser

From: Jon Baum []
Sent: Sunday, October 29, 2006 5:59 PM

Hi, Name is Jon Baum and am looking for possible relatives of Marie Leiser from Gura Hamora. She was my paternal grandmother.

Thank you


Subject: hello


Sent: Friday, September 29, 2006 8:27 PM
      Shalom ,

   And Shana Tova to all!     

               My name is Weisselberg Nory and I live and work in Bacau-Romania as a medical forensic expert. But my mother Markowitz Rut and her family (Markowitz, Librus, Axelrod etc) are from Gura-Humorului. My entire childhood was connected with this beautifull -now-town were I spent beautifull holidays and met various people.I still have lot of pictures and endless memories...Between 1967-1980...

      A lot of relatives left for Israel in the 50th but my my grandmother remained and died in 1983. Her brother Axelrod Srul (200-in cemetery index) died in 1982. After their death my connection with Gura-Humorului dissapeared as they were the last "mohicans". My grandfather Markowitz Mendel is on Shoah list (died in 1945 from bone tuberculosis received in deportation) is burried in Cimpulung-Moldovenesc jewish cemetery.

       A was surprised to find that someone was interested in jewish history of that region. I congratulate you for your effort and hope for further news!                                                              

                                                                              With respect

                                                                                             Nory Weisselberg

#77 Subject:

From: uri regev []
Sent: Friday, September 29, 2006 12:39 PM

לאלי תודה

הפרטים הם אכן של אביNAFTALI SCHIEBER שלום שיבר היה כנראה באמת הסבא רבא שלי ואני יודעת שהוא יסד בית כנסת בגורה הומורה שעמד על תילו שנים רבות אבי למד בחדר בחצר חסידות ויזניץ ועבד כמנהל חשבונות במנסרה של דודיו גם הם ממשפחת  שיבר.אבי היה גם בן דוד של חיים שיבא אני מתכננת לבקר בגורה הומורה ומעוניינת לדעת האם יש שם ארכיונים בהם אפשר לקבל מידע יותר מפורט אודות המשפחה אודה לך אם תוכל להפנות אותי לאתרים נוספים בהם ניתן לקבל מידע.

אני ילידת בוקרסט ועליתי עם הורי בשנת 1950 לישראל בהיותי תינוקת כך שלמדתי אודות העיר גורה הומורה מאבי ומאד התרגשתי לראות שיש אתר של העיר. אם ניתן לעדכן אותי בפרטים נוספים אשמח מאד

בברכת גמר חתימה טובה

ושוב תודה

לילי רגב

#76 Subject: úåùáé âåøä äåîåøä

From: uri regev []
Sent: Friday, September 29, 2006 10:09 AM


אני בת למשפחת שיבר שמוצאה מגורה הומורה לא מצאתי את שמות בני המשפחה ברשימה שם סבא רבא שלי היה שלום שיבר שם סבי פייבל שרגא שיבר שם אבי נפתלי שיבר והוא נולד בשנת 1908 ונפטר בשנת 2005 בישראל. הייתי מבקשת אם יש מישהו שיודע  לקבל מידע ופרטים על בני משפחה נוספים.


לילי רגב

#75 Subject: Update

From: []
Sent: Sunday, September 17, 2006 3:40 AM

Thank you for sending me the new updated list of Former Humor Jews (or "Humororyden", as we used to call ourselves, jokingly). I have a few dates if you wish to update:

My sister a'h Felicia Iacob Burns bat Michael passed away in Jerusalem Oct. 2004

My Mother a'h Bruschi Iacob Frenkel bat Abraham in August 1994

My Father a'h Michael Iacob ben Yacov in May 1986

Walzer Melo 1937 - 2000

Warter Richard ben Avrum born 1.1.1940

Kahn Berry bat Yancu 1941-2001

Kahn Yancu

Kahn Ruja ?

My friend Hari Gimpovici from Jerusalem can verify this and add more, I am sure. 

Shana Tova and More Power to You (Yishar Koach),

 Abe Jakob

#74 Subject: Gura Humourlui residents

From: Jonathan Levine
Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2006 4:22 PM

Hello! I’d like to add and clarify a bit of info about the Heier and Weber families that lived in Gura Humorului:

1.  Izchak Heier (already listed) was born Jan 18, 1897 and died on Jan 1, 1986.  He is the son of David Heier & Malka Weber

2.  Malka Heier (already listed) is the wife of David Heier (already listed).  Her maiden name is Weber and her father was Nathan Weber.  You have her mother listed as Bessie Weber, but none of my research has confirmed this.  If you have any source that mentions Bessie as her mother, please let me know – I’d be very interested! 

3.  Nathan Heier (already listed) was my great-great grandfather and HE was married to Bessie Weber.  In addition to his two sons already listed (Abram & Samuel Heier), he had a daughter:  Yetta Heier.  She was born Dec 5, 1870 and died Dec 4, 1943.  She was my great-grandmother and definitely lived in Gura Humorului.  Her following family members were also either born in Gura Humorului or lived there for a significant part of their youth before immigrating to New York City.  Please include their names in your database too! 

Michael Zeiger               born 1868                      died Aug 27, 1946          husband of Yetta Heier

Nathan Zeiger                born Nov 13, 1890          died Nov 4, 1966            son of Michael Zeiger & Yetta Heier

Clara Zeiger                   born July 16, 1896          died Feb 20, 1978          daughter of Michael Zeiger & Yetta Heier

Mary (Miriam) Zeiger      born 1900                      died June 5, 1960           daughter of Michael Zeiger & Yetta Heier

Lotti (Leah) Zeiger          born 1902                      died Apr 27, 1962           daughter of Michael Zeiger & Yetta Heier

Isidior (Israel) Zeiger       born Jan 7, 1903            died May 30, 1967         son of Michael Zeiger & Yetta Heier 

Once again, the above names were not all born in Gura Humorului, nor did they die there, but they were all definitely residents of town at some point between 1896 and 1922. They are my grandparents, aunts and uncles. 

Thank you! Jonathan Levine

#73 Subject: Bernardo Rosenthal

From: Fernando Rosenthal []
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2006 4:50 PM
Dear Eli,

 First I would like to congtratulate you for your exelent web site. 

I am searching on the net for many years and this is probably the first information that I am seeing that can be closer from my needs.Let me tell you the history and see if you can help me in any way.My grandfather’s name was Bernardo Rosenthal (in portugues). He come to Brazil around 1915/1930. He was born in Romania (as his passport). He died in Brazil in 1984. We know that his parents died in his city and he come with a cousin that toke the way to United States at that time. I have to informations. One is this picture that I am sending to you that you can find the name of the city (Campulung Moldovenesc) that is very close from Gura Humorului. At the other hand we always listen that he was from Rascani (At my research I found it that is a city in Moldavia, now Transnitria). The reason that I am asking your help is because I also now that my grandfather’s father name was Yitzhak and I saw at the residents list a name Yitzhak Rosenthal. 


  1. Do you have any information about this Yitzhak Rosenthal?
  2. Do you think is possible to be the same person?
  3. At your experience, Can my grandfather born in Rascani and have this picture in his things?

Thank you very much.

#72 Subject: Jewish Great Persons from GH

From: Gura Humorului Portal []
Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2006 10:53 AM

Dear Mr. Schachar Eli,

This is my first time when I contact you, after you signed our guestbook. I would like to thank you personally for your appreciation considering Gura Humorului Portal. 

I would like also to congratulate you for your work on your website. Is a really good site which reflect in every aspect  Jewish Community from Gura Humorului. I have same vague  memories, since I was 4 years old related with a Jewish person  from Gura Humorului. When I was 4 years old my father took me to one man who name was Shapira (I don’t know if I wrote correctly) who was a pianist near Public Library – If I recall correct. – to learn piano. Well it wasn’t my destiny to learn piano, but to do literature. J

I keep tracking the changes you make on the web page and since I found some Jewish personalities posted (I think by you)  on Wikipedia I would like to ask you  if you know a great person – maybe Shapira? – in your Community to be added in our site. We have (currently under revision) a section called: Great Persons From Gura Humorului – people who changed, influenced or brought GH in the attention of public, and I want to add someone from Jewish Community. My first thought was on Shapira, but if you know another person suitable  to our category and if you are kind, please send us some personal dates, work a.s.o to be published. You can send it in English if is ok for you and we will translate it into Romanian. 

I hope also into a collaboration with you for promoting Gura Humorului.  


Patrick Danilevici

#71 Subject: Gura Humora

From: []
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2006 12:48 AM

It has been several months since I visited the Gura Humora web site and I am pleased to see the new information and appearance of the site. I have not found the link for letters, though, therefore I am using your e-mail address I have had from previous communication.

I have not yet sent you the information I promised about my father, grandparents and other family members and friends, but I hope to do that soon, together with my photos and stories from my October 2005 short trip to Gura Humora.  

Visiting Gura Humora of which I've heard so much from my late father, I understood the special connection people have with this beautiful, quiet and airy town. I was sorry I didn't visit it long time ago, as things are changing, my family's former house is no longer there in the developing town center, and the flour mills my grandpa operated were no where to find. The local people and officials seem very supportive, welcome Jewish visitors and proud of the planned restoration of the synagogue. Yet no Jewish memorial is to be found in the general museum.

 Ilana Steinhorn

#70 Subject: Gura Humorului From: Jon Baum []
Sent: Tuesday, March 07, 2006 10:23 PM

Thank you for the website on Gura Humorului. I found my paternal grandmother there Marie Leiser who was married to my grandfather, Josef Teutelbaum. Have you been in contact with any other Leiser descendents?  Thank you very much.

 Jon Baum

#69 Subject: Guruhumura

From: Martin Adler []
Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2006 12:20 AM

I found your website, very informative My mother was born in Guruhumura Lui in 1932 - family Laib.  Father Mendel, mother Rebecca, my mother Anita and her brother Lutziw.  They were part of the deportation to Transistria.  After the war my mother and brother traveled by themselves to Palestine and were caught by the British at sea.  They were in Cyprus until Israeli independence.  Her parents came later to Israel.  They lived in Rishon LeZion in the "Shikun Bukovina", I'm sure you heard of it.  She got married in 1953 and moved to the US in 1956I have many family members still in Israel, in Rishon,Hedera, Beerheva, Haifa, Petach Tikva etc

I will show my mother your site - she will be veryinterested.  Thanks for keeping the memories alive

Martin Adler

#68 Subject: אתר גורה הומורה

From: salzman zvi []
Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2006 2:19 PM

למר שחר שלום וברכה ,

ברכותיי על האתר היפה ,המלמד והנותן מידע רב על חיינו בגורה הומורה .אמנם אני יליד גורה הומורה- 1935 - אך אחרי  טרנסניסטריה גרתי מעט שנים במקום .הורי גרו בעיר כל השנים עד עלייתנו ארצה בשנת 1961 . למרות שגרתי מעט שנים במקום הכתובת הקבועה שלי הייתה תמיד שם ואני מרגיש שייך למקום .ורשום בעמותה . 

אני מבין שבעתיד יעודכנו השמות של התושבים והייתי מבקש ממך להוסיף שת שמות הורי ואת שמי לרשימה .לפי הפירוט הבא :




הורי גרו בקרית מוצקין ושם גם מקום קבורתם .אני גר כל השנים בירושלים .

 בתודה מראש ובברכה צבי זלצמן

#67 Subject: Gura Humorului web site

From: Yitz Twersky []
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2006 5:12 PM

I was very impressed with your web site

You had a photo of "Deportation of Romanian Jews to Transnistria". I have been looking for photographs of Jews crossing the Dneister in 1941 for a book I am working on.  Do you have a high resolution copy of this photo?

 Thank you for your help


#66 Subject: שולח דואר אלקטרוני: עיצוב לאלי

From: צין יוסף []
Sent: Sunday, January 08, 2006 8:39 PM

 אלי שלום

יש לי הובי,אני מבצע עיצובי פרחים בשיטה מיוחדת שלי,מקדיש לך העיצוב הראשון

בשנת 2006,כתודה והערכה לפועלך.י

אשמח אם תפרסם את האמייל הזה בהתכתבויות של האתר


יוסי צין


אבא שלי היה פחח וביצע עבודות מיוחדות,כולל בארץ.



#65 Subject: Re: Welcome to the Mailing List.

From: Jacob Tsabar []
Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2005 2:31 AM

 Eli Shalom -

 I just found this web site and it is very exciting.You have done a great job with it. My name is Jacob Tsabar. I was born in Israel and immigrated to the USA. My father, Michael Tsabar (Salzberger) was born in Gura Humurlui in 1912. In 1925 his parent and him immigrated to Israel where they joined his two older siblings, Dr. Mordechai (Moti) Salzberger who lived with his family in Jerusalem, and Pinchas Salzberger who lived with his family in Haifa. My father established and managed "OHM Electrical Works, Ltd."in Haifa's Bay (the first manufacturer of washing machines - "Kal-Li" in Israel). He passed away in1974, at age 62, in Haifa. My mother, Lya Tsabar (Salzberger, nee' Schieber), passed away this year.She was born in Dorna in 1921.

I did not see any reference to my father's family (Salzberger) in the site or in any of the linked names' lists. Is there a way to append the listing?

By the way - Walter Schapira, who is mentioned as one of the contributors to the site, is a cousin of my father (my fraternal grandmother is from the Schapira family).

Thanks for a job well done.

 Jacob (Yaakov) Tsabar

Houston, TX, USA

#64 Subject: Re: Confirm your subscription

From: mikol apter-levy []
Sent: Sunday, November 27, 2005 12:02 AM

 APTER Lea 1919 1942 Mosche    
APTER Malvina          
APTER Menachem Ovadia          
APTER Mendel Herrohat   19/10/1926 Jacob    
APTER Mosche (Moses) 1880 1942      
APTER Osias (Yehoshua) 1879 1942 Shlomo Etia

שלום אלי, עברתי הערב על רשימות תושבי גורה הומורה - ואני מבקשת לתקן אפטר מנחם עובדיה ואפטר מנדל הם אותו האיש - סבא שלי הוא נולד  בגורה הומורה בשנת 1892  להוריו: יעקב אפטר ופרידה הוא נפטר בתאריך 19 לאוקטובר 1926  מנחם היה שמו בעברית ומנדל היה שמו ביידיש על המצבה שלו רשום באותיות עבריות 2 מילים בגרמנית האררייט שפירושן כאן נח ומישהו בטעות הוסיף את זה בגואיש גן כשם נוסף שלו   אני צריכה גם לפנות אליהם לתקן זאת

#63 Subject: אני גרתי בגורה הומורולוי

From: צין יוסף []
Sent: Sunday, October 16, 2005 5:05 PM

 מר שחר אלי היקר

גרתי בגורהומורולוי משנת 1943 ועד 1963,שנה בה עליתי ארצה.יחד עם כל בני משפחתי,הורים-קלרה ווולף,אחים,חיים ושיה.מאד הייתי מבקש ממך את הדרך  שאוכל להכניס את בני משפחתי ברשימת תושבי גורה הומורולוי המופיעים באתר שלך -צין יוסי -Zinn Iosi שמי

 נולדתי ב1942 באיבשקאוצי באוקראינה לשם הוריי הועברו ע"י הרומנים למחנה עבודה

אשמח להיות בקשר איתך ,אדוני

בתודה מראש וחג סוכות שמח

יוסי צין


יש גם תמונות מגורה הומורולוי

צירפתי חלק מתמונות בני משפחתי

#62 Subject: Re: Welcome to the Mailing List.

From: []
Sent: Friday, September 23, 2005 4:44 PM


You've done a great job with this site

My name is Ilana. I live in the US, but I was born and raised in Jeusalem

My father, the late Sclomo Steinhorn, was born and raised in Gura Humora. He was in touch with other "home town" friends but did not go to the reunions. He passed away at age 84 in Jerusalem just about the time the book about the town was printed (Oct 1992), but did not live to see it. My aunt Ruth lived in Gura Humora until her death in 1962

Please keep in touch and let me know how I can help with information, like updating your list of residents and more.

 Ilana Steinhorn


Subject: מרים דבורה הס מגורה הומורה?


From: Yossi Yagur []
Sent: Monday, July 25, 2005 6:04 PM


שמי יוסף (יוסי) יגור, ואני בן למשפחות יורגראו והס.

 אמה של סבתי נקראה מרים דבורה הס בת יצחק שמואל יודנפרוינד והיתה נשואה לאבי סבתי שמעון הס. לפי כל הידוע לי הם גרו בארבורה. שניהם קבורים בארבורה. מרים דבורה נפטרה בשנת 1932 (ראה צילום מצבה מצורף). בנוסף לכך, מצאתי את שמה של מרים דבורה הס בתור בעלת עסק בארבורה החל משנת 1894 (ראה מקטע מצורף). 

מצאתי ברשימות שלך על גורה הומורה את שמה של מרים דבורה הס ללא פרטים נוספים. האם תוכל להודיע לי מאין קיבלת את שמה כתושבת גורה הומורה כדי שאוכל למצוא אם מדובר באותו אדם או שתי נשים בעלות אותו שם?

 יוסף יגור
פתח תקוה

#60 To: Romania SIG
Subject: [rom-sig] Gura Humorului

From: Joyce Field []
Sent: Saturday, July 23, 2005 4:34 PM

 JOWBR, JewishGen's Online Worldwide Burial Registry, has 84 photos and 664 burials from Gura Humorului, in its searchable database.

 Joyce Field

#59 To: Romania SIG
Subject: Re:[rom-sig] List from Gura Humorului

From: Rosanne Leeson []
Sent: Friday, July 22, 2005 11:47 PM

 ROM-SIG members should be aware that the list of former Jewish residents of Gura Humorului, of Eli Schachar, is already available as a link on the

ROM-SIG Web site, and also in the ShtetLinks for that town.

 Rosanne Leeson




Subject: The JewishGen Family Finder:


From: Pini Dunner []
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2005 9:47 PM

 I am seeking information about Rabbi Ginzburg, the last rabbi of Gura Humorului before WW2. He survived the war and lived in Israel until his death in 1963.

 I am interested in contacting his family, if possible. I would also love to obtain a photo(s) of him

I hope you can help.

Many thanks

 Pini Dunner

#57 Subject: din Israel From: mihai []
Sent: Monday, March 21, 2005 9:49 AM

Buna ziua

Sincere felicitari pentru site-ul Dv....!!!!
bogat, plin de tot ce trebuie sa se stie despre comunitatea evreiasca din Romania despre Gura Humorului in special.

grafica placuta,continut bogat.

va scriu din Israel,am cautat material,informatii, date despre diaspora,asa am ajuns la site.

zilele aste am lansat si noi site-ul Romania -Israel

site pe care va invitam ,rugandu-va sa ne ajutati sa fie
cat mai complet si de larga varietate

cu multumiri si urari de pace si sanatate,

#56 Subject: האתר מרשים בכמות החומר שבו, אבל.....

From: bbc []
Sent: Sunday, March 06, 2005 2:40 AM

הרקע שבחרתם, אינו נוח לקריאה. המילים שמודפסות לא קריאות בגלל שהרקע מחוספס.

צריך לקחת בחשבון שאתר מסוג זה פונה לאוכלוסיה די מבוגרת שיש לה מגבלות ראיה מטבע הדברים.

כדאי מאוד למצוא פתרון לרקע, להרגיע אותו קצת. שיהיה חלק. אולי זה פחות יפה - אבל יותר יעיל ובריא.

המשיכו בדרככם, אולי בעתיד יצטרפו אליכם אזורים נוספים של בוקובינה שזקוקים לאתר כזה.

שבוע טוב,

#55 Subject: Gura Humora From: Salomon Baum []
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2005 6:34 PM

Just to add to your list of former residents:
My name is Salomon Baum, born in Gura Humora in 1939.
I live in Caracas - Venezuela since 1946.
My mother, Betty Baum is alive and also here.
Her maiden name is Betty Edelstein.
My father past away, and his name was Simon Baum, and he was in the
lumber business.
My grand pa Moses Edelstein, was the owner of Hotel Royal in Gura Humorului.
The name of my grand ma was Lea or Lotty Edelstein.
There were also one aunt; Netty Edelstein, and 2 uncles; Mijael and Sami Edelstein. All passed away.
Hope this information is interesting for you.
Salomon Baum
#54 Subject: Gura Humorului From: []
Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2005 8:24 AM

Dear Mr. Schachar!

Thank you very much for your excellent website about Gura Humorului. It is possible that my wife's ancestors lived there: RINGEL.
According to some documents that we have, the family lived nearby in Daraceni (a very small town--I do not have any information about it), later Seletin and Vizhnitsa.
The RINGEL family was related to the LECKER family.
I saw 3 RINGELS on your list: Iankel, Moses, Pessi. Do you know where these names are from?

Thank you!
Ben Weinstock.
#53 Subject: Questions From: Michal Apter []
Sent: Friday, January 21, 2005 1:48 AM

Hello Eli,
From time to time I entered to this web site in order to check what is recently new, and to congratulate you!!!!!
Your site was reminded in 18 January 2004 in the familial roots forum of Tapuz.
The photograph from the cemetery, that was taken by Patrick Natanzon is really excites. I printed her and pass her tomorrow to my father. Who is this guy? Did He have more photographs from the city? From the cemetery?
As regards surnames of APTER, do you have more details, except for the name ? If I identify a part, do you want that I'll pass to you more data, which?
As regards to Apter, Laufmann families, who update the list?

Thanks in advance,
Michal Apter - Levy.

#52 Subject: Gura Humorului From: []
Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2005 8:24 AM

Dear Mr. Schachar!

Thank you very much for your excellent website about Gura Humorului. It is possible that my wife's ancestors lived there: RINGEL.
According to some documents that we have, the family lived nearby in Daraceni (a very small town--I do not have any information about it), later Seletin and Vizhnitsa.
The RINGEL family was related to the LECKER family.
I saw 3 RINGELS on your list: Iankel, Moses, Pessi. Do you know where these names are from?

Thank you!
Ben Weinstock.
#51 Subject: Gura Humorului

From: Patrick Natanzon []
Sent: Friday, January 07, 2005 10:27 PM


I have mailed you in October and now I just came back from Romania. I also
visited Gura Humorului and took 11 pictures from the jewish cemetery. It has
a total size of ca. 8MB
Tell me how I can send the pictures. If you wish through email, I will send
you 5 emails, with 2 photos each.
Here the first photo.

Best regards

Patrick Natanzon

#50 Subject: my family in humora From: hillel tal-ezer []
Sent: Sunday, January 02, 2005 9:38 PM

my father hary schnarch is in your list.he was born in 25 may 1922 and died 26 September 2004,it has been asad year.his brother max is the list. im sending you details from my father memories about our family and pictures from visiting humora in the summer of 1998.


#49 Subject: Gura Humorului site From: Revital donenfeld []
Sent: Sunday, November 28, 2004 5:15 PM

First &#8211; your site is amazing! It was very exciting for me to find the names of my ancestors among the residence of Gura Humorului (Donenfeld & Friedman families).
I am looking for any information of my late grandfather, Moses Donnefeld,
Son of Shimon & Lea Donenfeld (Handler), Husband of Sara Donenfeld (Friedman).
I know he survived the Mogilev Podolskiy camp, married my grandmother, and died shortly after the end of the war. He left 2 children &#8211; Israel (my father) and Lea, now living in Israel.
Any help will be deeply appreciated. Thanks in advance,
Revital Donenfeld.
#48 Subject: RE: My Newsletter From: DAN MOCREI []
Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2004 10:23 PM


I am Born at Gura Humorului (I am 41 years old) and I live now at 80 KM distance. I am not jewish but ,in my opinion, your idea is very interesting.

I have also a idea concerning this small city: to make a history by photos(on line, of course) . I have few photos, made from the beginning of 19-st century . I made my self photos of the city . If some who enter on your
site has pictures from Gura Humorului (from parents, grandparents, etc) I
will be grateful if she/he can send to me ( preferable in graphical

Best regards,

Dan Mocrei
#47 Subject: Re: Confirm your subscription + a question From: grafgg grafgg []
Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2004 12:55 PM


I was very happy to fined your site. It is beutiful.
I could'nt fined the name of my mother's family :
In YAD VASHEM site I did find some names but not in here, and not in the book (that my mother has). Is there another sorse for information that you know about?
keep on the flame

#46 Subject: Gura Humor From: pelmoty []
Sent: Sunday, November 07, 2004 12:27 PM

I surfed in to your memorial site that you established, and I didn't succeed to disconnect from it. You did a sacredness work.

Mordechai Peleg
(Born in Iasi)

(Translated from Hebrew)
#45 - -
#44 Subject: Homepage From:
Sent: Friday, October 08, 2004 2:05 PM


I visited your site and it is very interesting. I will visit Gura Humorului in December this Year, and I will also visit the jewish cemetery.

Best regards,
Patrick Natanzon
#43 - From:
Sent: Tuesday, October 05, 2004 10:52 PM

foarte interesant site
simona schimmerling
#42 Subject: Former Jewish residents From: mschneerer
Sent: Monday, October 04, 2004 1:22 AM

Dear Sir,
I learned about your website through the Avotanynu website. There is a name on the list of Gura Humorului former Jewish residents that I would like more information about. The name is Schneer, Mosche Michel. My father's family came from Raducaneni, Romania. It is in the county of Iasi. My father's father was Moishe Schneer, born in 1862. My father's name was Schneer George Schneerer.
Thank you for your help.
-Michael Schneerer
Bloomington, Minnesota, USA
#41 Subject: Re: Gura Humorului (south Bukovina north Romania) Jewish community (andthe close area) From: "employ sol" <>
Sent: Sunday, October 03, 2004 5:18 PM

> Hi Eli,
> Thanks for your email.
> I visited Romania a few years back and I know that the Tanenhaus branch came from Suceava. The big mystery is my grandfather's father's family Sandberg from Harlau.
> Best Wishes,
> sol  
#40 Subject: SOIFFER From: Enrique Wengrowicz (Akita Electr?nica)
Sent: Saturday, October 02, 2004 5:20 PM

Hola Eli,te escribo desde Buenos Aires Argentina.Mi nombre es Enrique Ruben Wengrowicz.Mis abuelos paternos son de Polonia ,Wisoke Mazowiecka (Hersh Wengrowicz y Rebeca Boczcowska).Mi abuela materna era de Polonia,Ostrow (Fanny Sherman) y mi abuelo materno era de RUMANIA ,no recuerdo la ciudad pero naciף en la regiףn de Besarabia (Samuel SOIFFER).Encontrי este תltimo apellido en tus listados.Espero que esta informaciףn sea de utilidad.Saludos cordiales y Shanב Tovב.

Enrique Wengrowicz
#39 Subject: Re: jewish comunity of Gura Humorului Bukovina Romania From: Heidi Farkash
Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2004 11:01 PM

thank you for sending this information. It gives me encouragement for a project similar which I was planning (published in book form - maybe this is more practical.) I will study it more when I have more time. hfark
#38 Subject: RE: Gura Humorului (south Bukovina north Romania) Jewish community (and the close area) From: "Denise Azbill" <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2004 8:56 PM

> Dear Schacher,
> Thank you for including me in this post! Is this town anywhere near Cacica?
> I had relatives in Bukowina, and I recognize some of the names on your
> lists, but the name is so common that I can't be sure if they are my
> relatives (KATZ). The family I am looking for is Josef and Etti Katz. This
> family was transported to Moghilev.
> Also, is this town near Balinesti?
> Thank you very much!
> Denise Azbill
> Las Vegas, NV USA
#37 Subject: RE: Gura Humorului (south Bukovina north Romania) Jewish community (and the close area)
From: "Milo Roth" <>
To: <>

> Dear Eli,
> Many thanks for the links to the two websites related to Gura Humorului.
> I have reviewed the names on the list of former residents of Gura Humorului
> and I have found several names who may be my relatives. Furthermore, there
> are several former residents whose names I did not find on the list.
> Please find listed below these names.
> Many thanks and kind regards,
> Milo Roth
> Names of possible relatives:
> =================
> --------------------------
> This may be a reference to my mother, who lived in Gura Humorului in 1945
> and 1946. Her maiden name was Krenzia Felberbaum. However, she told me many
> times that the Romanian and Russian authorities couldn&#8217;t pronounce Krenzia
> and called her Klara. Furthermore, on her ID as member of the Association of
> Former Deportees to Transnistria, she is entered as Krenzia Felberbaum
> Feldahammer. My mother was born in Petriceni, just North of Gura Humorului,
> but she grew up and lived in Czernowitz until 1942 when she was sent to
> Moghilev-Yaruga with her mother.
> Is there any way to contact your source and ascertain whether the name
> FELDHAMMER Clara refers indeed to my mother?
> ROSNER Rosa or ROSNER Rose
> ------------------------------------------
> This may be a cousin of my father. She currently lives in Brooklyn, NY, USA.
> ROTH Willy
> ---------------
> This may be a cousin of my father. He currently lives in Israel.
> Former residents of Gura Humorului, whose names are missing from the current
> list:
> ===================================================
> ROTH Krenzia nee FELBERBAUM - my mother; lived in Gura Humorului between
> 1945 and 1946 or 1947.
> ROTH Emanuel &#8211; my father; lived in Gura Humorului between 1945 and 1946 or
> 1947.
> ROTH Arthur &#8211; my father&#8217;s brother; lived in Gura Humorului between 1945 and
> 1960 or 1961. Currently lives in Jerusalem.
> ROTH Sarah (Surica) nee TENNENHAUS &#8211; Arthur&#8217;s wife; lived in Gura Humorului
> between 1945 and 1960 or 1961. Currently lives in Jerusalem.
> ROTH Yehuda &#8211; Arthur&#8217;s and Surica&#8217;s son; lived in Gura Humorului from 1946
> or 1947 to 1960 or 1961. Currently lives in Tel Aviv.
#36 Subject: Re: Gura Humorului (south Bukovina north Romania) Jewish community (and the close area)
From: Shonny Lesser:
Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2004 6:33 PM

Dear Eli,
Thank you for sending me the information about Gura Humorului. My husband's father, Izac Leiser, was born there. I looked on the list of residents and found his uncle's name - Benzion Leiser. Where did this name come from?

I would like to find out more him. I was given the names of his other brother and sisters: Rechel, Rifke and Benni Berel by a researacher I hired. I don't know what happened to them and would appreciate any help you can give me.

L'shana Tova,
Shonny Lesser  
#35 Subject: Gura Humorului site
From: "Cary Elias" <>
Sent: Thursday, August 05, 2004 5:42 PM

> Kol Hakavod on your site. Very impressive!!
> You've thought of everything.
> Yes I would like to do something like this for Podu Iloaiei.
> I suppose I can follow the same format that you've used.
> How much are the hosting charges for the site?
> Were there any other costs incurred in building it?
#34 Subject: Re: Gura Humorului (south Bukovina north Romania) Jewish community (and the close area)
From: Rebecca Gorlin
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2004 4:09 AM

Berta, Klara and Tani Morgenstein were my grandmother, great-aunt and great-grandmother respectively. Tani Morgenstein's maiden name was Lehrer (Lerer?). I'm wondering if any of the Lehrers on your list are related to us.

Rebecca Gorlin
#33 Subject: Kastner From: "rjacobs" <>
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2004 1:18 AM

> Thank you for including me in your website mailings. I note that
> you've included our family genealogist, Merle Kastner, in Montreal in
> your mailings.
> Do you have any information on the Kastner family from Haifa, one of
> whom emigrated to Venezuela, South America? Any info would be much
> appreciated.
> My family was from Radautz in Bucovina by names of Kastner and Brucker.
> I hope to hear more about these.
> L'shana tova to you and yours. Rita Jacobs/Vermont, USA
#32 Subject: Re: Gura Humorului (south Bukovina north Romania) Jewish community (and the close area)
From: madamedubarbie
Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2004 11:41 PM


I'm so glad I went to your website. I found my great grandparent's names there :) My family were Lecker and Wiznitzer. I had no idea they were from Gura Humorului, I just knew they were from Czernowitz or near there. Thank you for this gift.

Shana tova!
Mary-Lou Wiseblatt
#31 Subject: Re: Gura Humorului (south Bukovina north Romania)
From: arie07
Cc: Ida Gottfried
Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2004 8:12 PM

I have been told that an only brother of my grandfather ( I never met my grandparents) used to live in Gura Homorului - they were originaly from Radautz - Putna.
Now I see in the list of residents a bunch of people with a family name GOTTFRIED.
I there any way to get the word out to know if any person alive ever knew them of if there are any descendants from this family?
Thank you
Leo (Arie) Gottfried
#30 Subject: Gura Humorului Jewish community From: "Doug Reckmann" <>
Sent: Monday, July 26, 2004 6:55 PM


Just dropped by your site, since there was a link from the Bukovina Society. Thought that I might point out that the software used to create the list of Gura Humorului Residents is Microsoft Explorer spedific. If you call up the site using Mozilla, or Netscape (and presumeably, any MacIntosh software) the tables do not display correctly. For those of us who stay away from Microsoft products because of the built-in Virus and Pop-Up Ad problems, this is rather frustrating to find sites that are
created to only function using Microsoft's software.

My family came from Schwarztahl, which is about 20 Km south of Gura
Humora, they left in 1909. I visited in 2000. Beautiful place.

Hope that this input helps your web site.

Doug Reckmann
Portland, Oregon
#29 Subject: Gura Humorului Jewish Community
From: Sylvia
Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2004 6:01 AM

I have been trying to verify information about my great grandparents, Moses and Chaika (sp?) Fleischer and it appears that I have found them in your list of Gura Humorului former Jewish residents. Could I obtain any other information? The link to the Jewish Cemetery - Index of names on gravestone does not work for me - is it 'under construction'? Any information you have would be very much appreciated!!!

Thank you.

Sylvia (Fleisher) Stevens
Toronto, Canada
#28 Subject: Re: Hello From: <>
Sent: Saturday, July 10, 2004 11:37 PM

> Dear Eli,
> Thank you for writing. I live in Spring Valley, New York and remember a Mendel Iurgrau from Gura Humor. Are you from there too? What was your name before? Given time I might help you update the list of Hemoroiden as the called the "Humorer Yiden"
> My sister, Felicia Burns (Bar-Ness)lives in Jerusalem with her family and tells me occasionally about the yearly gathering of the "Yirgun Yoyzei Bukovina" or even Gura Humorului. My friend Moshe Falik from Natania also keeps me updated and Baruch Trebitch who worked for my Father a"h used to be active.
> Thank you for inserting my name in the list and keep up the good work. Yishar Koach, Shavuah Tov from New York, Abe
#27 Subject: Hello
Sent: Saturday, July 10, 2004 5:27 AM

My name is Abraham Jakob. I have stumbled into your website and found the page with the list of residents of my home "stetl", Gura Humorului. I visited there recently and have met with the only Jewish resident left, the dentist Dr. Don Iuni.
I was surprised that neither my nor my parents names is listed. I was known as Abraham Iacob, son of Michael and Bruschi Iacob, but none of these names are listed, although my maternal grandparents, Frankel are on your list. My mother's sister, Enna, her husband Gerschon and son Abi (Chaim) Haiman or Heiman are also not there. Does Mr. Iurgrau have a e-mail address? Can I help, since I am one of the last to leave Gura Humor in 1965 and have relatively fresh memories? Please advise.
Abe Jakob
#26 Subject: Gura Humorului Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2004 4:52 PM

Dear Eli:
I visited your Web site on Gura Humorului and I want to commend you on a great job. You are offering many people originating from Gura Humorului valuable information about their ancestors and the history of the area. I learned about your site from your recent e-mail to ROM-SIG. I was born in Bucharest but my parents and grandparents come from Botosani, not to far from Gura Humorului. I also have great interest in genealogy and learning more about how and where they originated from. Although there were about 10000 Jews in Moldavia at the beginning of the 19th century, most of our Rumanian ancestors migrated there during the 19th century as you indicated on your Web site.
Great Job!

Best regards
Bruno Segal
Can you put me into contact with this person??

I believe there's a Bruno Segal in my family tree, albeit distantly. Somehow he was connected to, I believe, the Alter side of my family from Romania, possibly from or near Podu-Ilaoaiei.

I actually tried contacting a Bruno Segal in Israel, a while back, unsuccessfully,

Ken Solomon
#25 Subject: web link From: Jerome Silverbush
Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 2004 2:47 AM

Hi Eli:
I put a link to your GH web page on my GH web page: I found my great grandfather, Mottel Silberbusch on your GH cemetery list. Great work.
Jerry Silverbush
#24 Subject: RE: Gura Humorului From: Bruce Reisch
To: Schachar Eli ;
Sent: Monday, June 07, 2004 3:02 PM


Very sorry to hear the sad news. I met Mr. Iuni in 1998 and we was very hospitable, having me over to his house for a visit on the spur of the moment. Another Jewish man, Hertl Herscovitz, led me to Mr. Iuni's house and then to see the cemetery. I called Mr. Iuni's son in Canada on my return home as a favor for him. He wasn't in good health in 1998 but was truly a very strong man.

I hope someone still cares for the synagogue and cemetery.

#23 Subject: RE: Gura Humorului From: Jerome Silverbush []
Sent: Saturday, June 12, 2004 4:22 PM
To: Schachar Eli

Hi Eli:
You've got a nice web page. I'll list it on my page as soon as I can resolve my problem connecting to the Jewish Gen server.
#22 Subject: Re: gura humorului From: jerome schatten []
Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2004 4:59 PM
Cc: brewski

Shalom, and thanks for your e-mail. I visited your site and found it interesting and very well done
I will add your site as requested (sometime in the next few days). I would be pleased if you added the Czernowitz-L site to your list of links as well.
Best regards,
jerome schatten - webperson
Vancouver, Canada
#21 Subject: Gura Humora From: Moshe Montag []
Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2004 6:03 PM

Please add the following residents wich are my Oncle and his family:
1. Singer Leizer Born in Gurahumora and barried there
2. Singer Toni ,his wife ,born in Vama (maiden name Montag) died in Israel
3. Singer Max , son of Leizer & Toni,born in Gurahumora 1931 died in Israel 1996
Thank you for your initiative and holy mission
Moshe Montag,
#20 - From: []
Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2004 3:51 PM

On the date 13 / 05 / 2004 your website "Gura Humorului Jewish community" was inserted to the index under the category: education and science, history
#19 Subject: RE: GURA HUMORA BUKOVINA From: frederic beaumont []
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 11:45 AM

I came on your site as soon I finished reading your very nice message. Your website about the Jewish community of Gura humorului is very interesting so I put immediately your website address in my "links". I know very few about Jews of Gura humora, I came few years ago at the Jewish cemetery to do some pictures of tombstones written in Ruthenian language (that's very rare for south Bucovina). So I thank you very much that you gave me your site addresses.

frיdיric beaumont
#18 Subject: gura humorului
From: Mugur GRECULEAC []
Sent: Saturday, May 08, 2004 5:15 PM

Buna ziua,
Ma numesc greculeac mugurel, sunt nascut in gura humorului si locuiesc in iasi.
Am fost impresionat de efortul depus pentru a impartasi si altor persoane, informatii despre acest orasel.
Cred ca iubiti foarte mult acest colt de lume, de fapt ca si mine.
Va doresc mult succes si multa sanatate.

Cu stima,
ing. greculeac mugurel
iasi / romania
#17 - From: []
Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2004 9:35 AM

Hi Eli!
I Have visited the web site you have belt about "Gura Humora" .
I was impressed by what it contains and the way it's organized.
I hope that you find other items and that you are locking for info.

#16 Subject: Gura Humorului From: []
Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2004 3:38 AM
I am in the process of reading and enjoying your Gura Humorului site and enjoying it very much. I am searching for a village that was once part of Romania and now is part of Ukraine. This village was the home to my grandparents back in 1900 when they came to America. This village is/was Vilyavche which in 1900 was part of
Austria Hungary before becoming part of Romania. Can you provide me with any information on Vilyavche? I have been searching for such a long time to no avail. I would very much appreciate any help that you can provide for me on Vilyavche.

Many thanks,
Lois Friedman
#15 Subject: Re: Come visit my new web site! From: Ted []
Sent: Monday, April 19, 2004 1:24 AM

I will be happy to visit your site and hope you will reciprocate.
Hello Fellow Genealogist:
Although I can't guarantee that you will find the answer to your researching your Jewish family roots, I would invite you to visit my web site devoted to assisting one find their roots. Jewish Web Index is a compendium of thousands of links along with bits and
pieces of information -- sorted in alphabetical order by Country and/or by
Subject -- and best of all it's free to browse! There is absolutely no charge, but I certainly would appreciate your sharing my site with your
friends and relatives - should you find my site of value. I would also appreciate your feedback and any links you might wish to

Warm Regards,
Ted Margulis
Palm Desert, CA
#14 Subject: RE: gura humora--ROM-01128 Sent: Monday, April 05, 2004 8:28 PM

Dear Eli,
we just noticed the following:
The Cemetery ID# is ROM-01128.....
When replying to us, please use the following identifier for your file: ROM-01128
Nolan Altman will be working on your file

Chag Sameach.
#13 Subject: Gura Humorului Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2004 4:52 PM

Dear Eli:
I visited your Web site on Gura Humorului and I want to commend you on a great
job. You are offering many people originating from Gura Humorului valuable
information about their ancestors and the history of the area. I learned about
your site from your recent e-mail to ROM-SIG. I was born in Bucharest but my
parents and grandparents come from Botosani, not to far from Gura Humorului. I also have great interest in genealogy and learning more about how and where they
originated from. Although there were about 10000 Jews in Moldavia at the
beginning of the 19th century, most of our Rumanian ancestors migrated there
during the 19th century as you indicated on your Web site.
Great Job!

Best regards
Bruno Segal
#12 Subject: [rom-sig] The cemetery at Gura Humorului and other cemeteries Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2004 7:04 PM

An interesting website regarding the cemetery at Gura Humorului
has also a list of names on gravestone. It can be of interest for people
researching their ancestors from this Romanian town.
An other website is containing pictures from cemeteries in Iasi, Sibiu,
Brasov and

Susanna Vendel, Stockholm
#11 Subject: Gura Humorului Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2004 9:53 PM

Congratulations for such an impressive project!!!
I've find my grand grand mother - Bina Brandes dead 1921.
Where is located in Israel , etc. the Gura Humorului Organisation?

Best Regards,
Gideon De Mayo
#10 - -
#9 Subject: cemetary link Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2004 5:03 AM

Wonderful project.

Milton Silverman
Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2004 6:21 PM
Subject: Re: Gura Humorului Jewish cemetery

We believe that your website constitutes an important resource of the Jewish life in Romania(as we also believe that it required a great effort in making it) and we are convinced that it will be highly regarded by many people.
Therefore, we wish to support your initiative by adding a link to your website on the Romanian Jewish Heritage website, the section FEDROM > Data about cemeteries and monuments.
We kindly invite you to check if the link works appropriately and to confirm that.

Ioana Niculescu
#8 - Thank you for your information. I will be reviewing in due order and plan on adding it soon to my web site. Most appreciated.

Warm Regards,
Ted Margulis
Palm Desert, CA
#7 Subject: Re: [rom-sig] FW: Come visit my web site! Sent: Monday, March 08, 2004 4:40 AM

It's excellent! Bravo!
Your work is so good and very valuable to
researchers. Thank you.

Merle Kastner
Montreal, Canada
#6 Subject: Re: [rom-sig] FW: Come visit my web site! Sent: Sunday, March 07, 2004 6:22 AM

I am interested in seeing the cemetery of Yasi. Do you know if someone ever found it.

R Cohn
#5 Subject: your site Sent: Saturday, March 06, 2004 2:51 PM

Congratulations, the site is excellent and you should be praised for bringing it to others.

#4 Subject: Re: [rom-sig] FW: Come visit my web site! Sent: Saturday, March 06, 2004 4:57 AM

I have viewed your website of the Jewish cemetery of
Gura Humorului with interest.

Mark Tabenkin
West Orange, New Jersey
#3 subject: Re: Come visit my web site! Sent: Friday, March 05, 2004 10:22 PM

Looks good!

#2 Subject: Re: Come visit my web site! Sent: Friday, March 05, 2004 9:02 PM

Very nice - Congratulations! You've done a great mitzvah.

#1 Subject: Re: my new internet site Sent: Friday, March 05, 2004 6:07 PM


Babba Zee








Gura Humorului Jewish Community

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