Schlomo Winninger (1877-1968)
Schlomo Winninger (Born in Gura
Humora, 1877) ýwas an
Austrian-Jewish biographer. ý
Before World War I, Winninger
lived in Chernivtsi and moved to
Vienna during the war years,
ýwhere he decided to write
biographies of famous Jewish
persons.ý This idea was pushed
in order to counter the
self-hating mood of Jewish youth
in the city, created under the
influence of Otto Weininger's
works.ý During his twenty-five
creative years, Schlomo
Winninger wrote about 18,000
biographies, and he is
considered ýas one of the
greatest Jewish biographers of
all time.
Hermann Scharf (1898-1954)
Lawyer, Banker and Public activate
Hermann Zwi Scharf was born in 18.08.1898 in
Şiăpot a small vilige near Valea Seacă.
In 1917 Hermann was a soldier and fight
against the Russian.
After the First World War he study Laws in
Czernowitz, and work later as a young lawyer
in Czernowitz, Radauti and Seletin.
He established a small bank in Seletin and
even become the president of the Jewish
municipality in that town and Vice-mayor of
the city .
Hermann immgrate to Israel in 1944 and was a
director in the department of the Sochnut
for Zionim Vatikim. Joint founder of
"Hitachdut Olei Bukowina" and the federation
of the lawyers Diaspora.
Died after tragic accident in 03.09.1954 in
Dr. Joseph Moses Juran (1904)
engineer and philanthrop

The industrial engineer Dr. Juran was born
in 1904 in Braila, Romania and lives later
in Gura Humora.
In 1912 he immigrates to America with his
Juran is known as a Quality "guru" made
significant contributions to management
theory, human resources management and
consulting as well.
He wrote several books, and known worldwide
as the most important contemporary expert in
Quality Management.
Even that Dr. Juran lived a short time in
Gura Humora; He contributed for the Jewish
cemetery renovation of that town.
Prof. Chaim Sheba (1908-1971)
Doctor and hospital director
Sheba was born in 1908 to the well known
Scheiber "Hasidic" family from Frasin near
Gura Humora. In 1929 he ended his medical
studious in Vienna and immigrates to Israel
in 1933. Until 1936 Chaim Sheba served as
rural doctor and later in Belinson Hospital.
he was the of the medical services in the "Hagana"
and founded the IDF medical corps. He was
director of the Health Ministry. And later
director of Beilinson Hospital and Tel
Hashomer Hospital. In 1968 Winner of Israel
Israel Polack (1909-1993)
Textile industrialist
Israel Polack (1909-1993) was a textile
industrialist in Romania, Chile and Israel.
Polack was born in Borsa, Transylvania,
Rumania in 1909. In 1925, he moved to Gura
Humora Bukovina, and later to Czernowitz. In
Czernowitz, he studied at yeshiva and at a
textile plant. In 1935, he founded a textile
plant in Czernowitz. After World War II, he
emigrated to Chile where he founded a
textile plant. In 1960, Pinhas Sapir, then
Minister of Industry of Israel, invited
Polack to establish a textile plant in
Israel at Kiryat Gat. Polack's new company,
"Polgat", grew into the largest textile,
clothing and knitwear company in Israel. It
eventually became a public corporation whose
shares were traded on the Tel Aviv stock
exchange. Because of his contributions to
the State of Israel, he was awarded the
Prize of Israel in 1960. In 1992, he was
honoured by the Hebrew University in
Markus (1910-1992)
player and writer
Markus was born as Erika Scharfstein on 27th
June 1910 into a prosperous Jewish family in
Gura Humora, Romania but moved to Austria
where she first made her name at the bridge
table. In 1938 she fled Austria and made her
home in London where she remained for the
rest of her life.
Generally recognized as the top European
lady player to date and a great personality,
Rixi was the first woman to become a WBF
Grand Master and was the leading woman in
the WBF master point rankings from their
inception in 1974 until 1980.
Rixi was named International Bridge Press
Association Personality of the Year in 1974
and was awarded the MBE for contributions to
bridge a year later by Queen Elizabeth. For
many years she organized a match between the
two Houses of the British parliament.