Les Minorités
ethniques en Bucovine du Sud (French)
"la perle de l'Empire" le Duchי autonome
du "Buchenland" ("le pays des hךtres")
dיveloppa une incroyable diversitי
ethnique, abritant plus de 10 groupes
Jewish Communities in Bukovina:
The Czernowitz-L
Discussion Group WebsiteThe purpose of
the site is to provide
a collection point for materials (stories, histories,
photographs, lists, maps, links,
etc.) that are of interest to list
members and other researchers
concerned with genealogy and the
history of the Jewish community in
the Czernowitz area.
Gura Humorului
NecrologyResidents of
Gura-Humora and environs (Ostra,
Ilisesti, Arbore, Bucsoia, Vama,
Valisca, Vatra-Moldovitei, Moild,
Frasin, Poiana, Frumosul,
Capu-Campului, Capu-Codrului,
Comanesti, Rus-Moldovita, Rus-Favaul,
Stulpicani) who perished in the
Cemetery Project
the International Association of
Jewish Genealogical Societies.
The IAJGS International Jewish
Cemetery Project mission is to
catalogue every Jewish burial site
throughout the world.
Genealogy of Eastern
This website provides general
information on Halychyna/Eastern
Galicia, a region that is often
misunderstood or ignored in North
America. This site should be the
starting point for anyone
researching their ancestral roots in
Western Ukraine/Eastern Galicia.
Many of the pages will be useful for
Polish researchers of Western
Galicia, as well.
This genealogical data
is provided only for your personal use. No portion of it may be
submitted to any other database or publisher without the written consent
of the copyright holder.