Gura Humora Jüdisch Gemeinschaft
* Comunitatea evreilor din Gura Humorului
is a town located in
northern Romania, Suceava County in southern Bukovina (47` 25`). It
was formerly in the Austro-Hungarian Empire and was a Jewish shtetl.
The Jewish Presence in Gura Humora is from about 1547 in 1927 the
Jewish Population was 1,951. During World WWII the Jews of Gura Humora were deported to
concentration camp, where most of them died.
The aim of this web site:
aim of these pages is to provide a photographic record and to
provide the burial records of the Gura Humorului Jewish cemetery,
and others records from the Jewish community of that town, for the
benefit of those genealogists who live some distance away and for
the decedents of Gura Humorului Jewish community.
Gura Humorului (2005) - "Jews
Gura Humorului
este asezat în
centrul judetului Suceava (47 grade 32' latitudine nordica, 25 grade 54'
longitudine estica), la distanta de 36 km fata de capitala judetului,
municipiul Suceava si 500 km fata de capitala Romaniei . Are o populatie
de 15.837 locuitori.
Scopul acestul web site:
acestor pagini este de a dezvălui un record fotografic si lista
mormintelor din cimitirul Evreiesc din Gura Humorului, aceste pagini
conţin dare suplimentare al acestui orăşel, pentru geneologi, care sגnt
indepartati si pentru urmaşii comunitatii Evreisti din Gura Humorului.
Gura Humora
ist ein Ort im
südlichen Teil der Bukowina, nahe der Stadt Suceava im Nordosten
Rumäniens. Der Ort, der ehemals zum Fürstentum Moldau gehörte, liegt an
der Mündung des Flusses Humora in die Moldau; der Ortsname bedeutet
Mündung der Humora. Ende des 19. und Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts war der
Ort stark von jüdischen Einwanderern geprägt; heute ist das jüdische
Leben dort weitgehend verschwunden. Im Jahre 1998 wurde die Gura
Humorului Jewish Community gegründet, eine Gemeinschaft ehemaliger
jüdischer Bewohner von Gura Humorului, die es sich zum Ziel gesetzt hat,
die Erinnerung an das jüdische Leben in der Stadt zu bewahren. Der Ort
ist bei Touristen besonders wegen der günstigen und zentralen Lage zu
den Moldauklöstern sehr beliebt. In Gura Humorului gibt es einige
Kirchen, eine Synagoge und einen alten jüdischen Friedhof.
Das Ziel dieser Web site:Ziel
dieser Seiten ist es, Photographien des judischen Friedhofs,
Sterbeurkunden, sowie alle anderen zur Verfugung stehenden Unterlagen
der judischen Gemeinde von Gura Humorului fur auswartige Genealogen und
die Nachkommen dieser judischen Gemeinde zur Verfugung zu stellen.
dieser judischen Gemeinde zur Verfugung zu stellen.
גורה הומורה
הינה עיירה
הממוקמת בצפון רומניה, במחוז סוצ'אבה בדרום בוקובינה. (`47 `25). בעבר
עיירה זאת היתה שטייטל באמפריה
מטרת האתר:מטרת דפים אלה להנציח את
זכר קהילת יהודי גורה הומורה והסביבה לספק מידע אודות בית העלמין,
ומידע נוסף אודות הקהילה היהודית, זאת לטובת צאצאי הקהילה היהודית
ולטובת אנשים החוקרים את המקום
Anonymous Jewish soldier from
Russia, buried in Gura Humorului Jewish Cemetery.
Dear Gura Humora society friends
This association has existed for over 20 years thanks to friends that put in their time and effort throughout these years.
In the beginning to January 2006 the organization’s committee met with a group of young people who are interested in taking part in it and to continue it’s activities.
During this meeting we discussed several topics and alternatives to materialization of the foundation meant for commemoration. After the meeting we came to a decision with “Beit hatfutzot” museum about our donation to establish a memorial wall in memory of the community and about the documentation that will be used by the next generations.
The last reunion, which took place on March 11th, 2007 in Beit hatfutzot museum, Tel-Aviv,
include: friends reunion with the participants of the younger
Memorandum plate ceremony, Opening words
and presentation about Gura Humorului Jewish community
Find Your
Free genealogy search for surnames,
find surnames, search for ancestors, find ancestors among
all the surnames listed on the Surname Genealogy
Archive. Surnames are listed with links to documents, photos
and other resources with that surname included. Imagine how
exciting it would be to find a picture of one of your
story about expelled family from Gura-Humorului.
The writer is a descendant of this family.
For information and segments from the book please contact
the author:
Israel Ephrati - Hanita 10, Kfar-Saba 44405, Israel
very special book called ;FILLING TIME WITH
is available today. The book has historical coverage and
amazing stories, that span over almost a hundred years
(1850-1948), in the life of a Jewish family from
Russia,threw Baserbia, Bokovina, Transnistria and Israel.
The writer is a descendant of the Wininger family.
For information and segments from the book please contact
the author:
Helen Wininger Livnat LIVNATH@013.NET.IL
Diplomă şi medalie "Drept
între popoare" la Gura Humorului
Ieri, statul Israel, prin secretarul ambasadei
acestui stat la Bucureşti, Netta Balazs, a transmis diploma şi
medalia de "Drept între popoare" primarului oraşului Gura Humorului,
Marius Ursaciuc, pentru Valerian şi Minodora Beleca, familie care în
anul 1941 a salvat de la moarte evrei. La ceremonia care a avut loc
la muzeul oraşului, au fost prezenţi prefectul Orest Onofrei,
reprezentantul Asociaţiei Supravieţuitorilor Holocaustului,
Friedrich Antschel, al Federaţiei Comunităţii Evreilor din România,
Tania Grindberg, expertul guvernamental pe probleme de minorităţi,
Vladimir Hapenciuc, precum şi un public numeros. În luările de
cuvînt au fost amintiţi şi ceilalţi suceveni cunoscuţi că şi‑au
riscat viaţa pentru a‑şi salva semenii în timpul Holocaustului,
precum primarul din Cernăuţi, Traian Popovici, originar din Fundu
Moldovei, care a salvat de la deportare 16.000 de evrei sau familia
Simion Hîj din Rădăuţi. "În Talmud scrie că cine salvează o viaţă,
salvează lumea şi ei au fost drepţi între popoare în una din cele
mai negre perioade ale istoriei. Regimul de teroare nu i‑a
împiedicat să‑şi ajute semenii. Valerian şi Minodora Beleca nu au
arătat nici frică, nici indiferenţă la suferinţa evreilor", a spus
reprezentantul ambasadei israeliene, Netta Balazs. Domnia sa a mai
reliefat paşii importanţi făcuţi de România în recunoaşterea
trecutului. (R.U is dedicated to
assisting people with their family history research in Gura
Not just to find ancestors , but to put meat on the bones with
information about where they lived, how they lived their lives,
information about their occupations, and what influenced their thinking
and decision making.
This genealogical data
is provided only for your personal use. No portion of it may be
submitted to any other database or publisher without the written consent
of the copyright holder.